Friday, April 12, 2024

Id Software Speaks About Enemy Territory: Quake Wars on Consoles

Traditionally the dominant platform for the first person shooters has been the PC. But the last few years have seen consoles emerging a favorable destination for FPS games. Id Software released Enemy Territory: Quake Wars for the PC as well as the consoles. The PC version was launched last year, while the console version came out just a few days back.

Enemy Territory Quake Wars PS3 Screenshots

Now Kevin Cloud who is the executive producer of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars spoke to Wired and explained, “There will always be people, especially competitive online gamers, who want a keyboard and a mouse. That’s a certain crowd that has a specific taste. They’re not going to move off of that for much anything, but for the vast majority of gamers out there, we’re finding that people enjoy playing FPS games on console and PC. The PC is a development environment. The PC is an open platform. That’s one of the great things about the PC.”

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Enemy Territory Quake Wars PS3 Screenshots 2

Cloud was also quizzed about user-made modifications but he replied negatively and attributed it to the closed nature of each console. He feels that though Sony is open to it, Microsoft is yet to take a decision on user-created content. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars has been launched for the PS3 as well as the Xbox 360.

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