Sunday, April 7, 2024

Crytek Speaks about Crysis for Consoles

People really seem to contradict themselves these days. One of them includes Crytek, who before the release of Crysis had one reply for the most frequently asked question – Will Crysis ever be available on consoles? And to that they always said Crysis is too resource hungry for a console to handle. Well let bygones be bygones since Crysis is indeed coming to a console near you, no prizes to guess which consoles though…

Crysis for Consoles

In an interview with IGN, Harald Seeley who is the Engine Business manager for Crytek mentioned, “The surprising thing has been how well the consoles can perform visually, once this tailoring is in place. We expect the final outcome will result in games that look like they’re running at high settings, or nearly high settings, on a PC. Actually, we found it as much or more challenging to address the memory limitations of the consoles when converting our current AI system, as we did while converting our rendering engine or physics system, which was not something you might have expected at the start.” Even “near” High settings will look gorgeous for Crysis.”

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He added, “Well there is no doubt that porting our engine to the PlayStation 3 is the more challenging of our two ongoing conversion projects, but that works to our advantage in the end. We feel certain we have the ability to get the most that is possible out of that platform, and therefore PS3 games which run on our engine in the future will definitely stand significantly apart from other games that don’t.”

Working hard to show the potential of the PlayStation 3 or the Xbox 360 will only turn out good results in the end. If the game does nearly look as good on consoles as what it looked on the PC on High settings then all the PC users who spent a huge amount on upgrading will have a big reason to frown.

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