Sunday, April 7, 2024

Halo 3 Public Beta to be released by Microsoft

Halo 3 Screenshot

Microsoft has announced that it plans to offer a public beta version of the highly anticipated ‘Halo 3’ video game for the Xbox 360 platform in the spring of 2007. The promotions Halo 3 public beta version will begin in December, this year..

The public beta version of Halo 3 will be available through Xbox Live. The announcement came on the 50th anniversary of the release of Halo. According to the company, the final version of “Halo 3”, which represents the third chapter in the Halo trilogy, will provide a whole lot of technical and game play advancements.

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Microsoft has also announced that the new premium content for Halo 2 is also under development. As part of the new premium content, will be new multiplayer maps for the original Xbox title Halo 2. The maps will be exclusive to the Xbox 360, where the game continues to be the most popular online title more than a year after the launch of the next generation console.

Microsoft is hoping to make gamers a bigger part of the development process through the release of the beta version. Bungie Studios plans to use the feedback it receives on Halo 3 to improve the game in preparation for the final release.

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