Saturday, April 6, 2024

6 Games like Empire Earth

Are you in search of some games like Empire Earth, where you can build cities and conquer your enemies? Well, then we have some of the greatest real-time strategy titles listed out for your below. In these kinds of titles you can take your time to slowly erect a strong economic and military base for yourself and charge into the territories of your enemy to take it over, so go through our list out here and select the ones you love most.

1. Age of Empires III:

Age of Empires III

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When we talk about games similar to Empire Earth this title is sure to come to mind of all players of strategy. In this third part of the Age of Empires series you will have all the strategic and building elements that you were fond of in the previous two titles plus some more newly added features. For instance as you progress in you conquests and earn valuable experience points you are able to create a well established Home city for yourself where you can keep getting important supplies and support whenever required during any mission. This pick is also loaded with spectacular new visuals and realistic effects that are sure to enthrall you. The developers have also designed all the building a structures to match the particular nation which you can choose play as out here.

2. Age of Mythology:

Age of Mythology

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Of course we had to mention this all time favorite of any RTS fan created by Ensemble Studios. But for those of you who don’t know, this pick allows you to play as any one of the three unique mythical races namely, the Norse, the Greeks or the Egyptians. Over here you will find all the aspects of any good strategy-oriented game plus some extra elements. For example, apart from the usual resources that you gather such as food, wood and gold over here, you will even need to gather favor as a resource which is essential if you want your particular race to thrive and to create more powerful mythical units that can overpower any of the enemies units. You will have an amazing experience just watching your settlement grow into massive populace filled with skilled craftsman and mighty warrior units and even use the power of the gods to eliminate your opponents.

3. Stronghold 3:

Stronghold 3

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The next option on our list of Empire Earth alternatives is Stronghold 3 developed by Firefly Studios for your Windows PC and Mac Os. This all-new castle building title comes with life-like action and constructing elements as never seen before. The missions and campaign available out here are also spectacular with different multiplayer modes that you choose. You can get to see first-hand what it takes to build up your strong castle and defend it from a siege of blood-thirsty enemies that are hell-bent on destruction. You will also learn how castle sieges were carried out in historical times and enjoy the brilliant visuals and gameplay when you actually go to attack the strongholds of the enemy and reduce their fortresses to rubble.

4. Total War Rome II:

Total War Rome II

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This second edition of Total War Rome is another good real-time strategy option which we can recommend for you to play. Here you can get a feel of how things would be if you were to direct and lead vast armies of the Roman might into wars against other countries in order to conquer or destroy them. When you start building your army you are free to choose which general you would want to lead them and whenever any battle ensues out here you can get to select and control all the units available at your disposal. The outcome of any war out here can be determined with the help of some careful choices of attacks that you orchestrate right from the beginning of the battle. The well designed camera mechanics will ensure that you can see every little detail of the battle taking place and even help you command your army better.

5. The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

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The Settlers returns with this magnificent new title of their series released by Blue Byte Software. But if you are new to this series, you don’t have to worry as there is a detailed tutorial available in the campaign mode to help you learn the mechanics. Out here you basically have to build up your kingdom from the humble origins of a village and take over territories part by part. But the battles are won not just through strength alone but victory can also come in a more non-violent manner such as through scientific research dominance or through capturing all the popular trade routes and maximizing your trade victory points. There is even a great multiplayer feature available in this pick so that you can challenge other players or co-operate with them to defeat a common rival settler.

6. Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

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The last entry on to our list of games similar to Empire Earth is this fantasy themed strategy title developed by Big Huge Games. The gameplay seen out here is styled a bit differently than all the other titled mentioned on our list, but the developers have introduced the concept of providing hints to assist you in setting up your base of operations. There are three factions that you will see here, namely the Vinci, the Alin and the Cuotl, each having their own set of units and equipment that can be used on the battlefield. This version of Rise of Nations offers a refreshing new scenario that combines fiction and city-building aspects to give you a real first class strategy-oriented entertainer that you would want to play again and again.


To conclude we would want to stress that the above six games like Empire Earth require lots of patience and careful strategic and tactical skills to play. The fun parts come when you are able to successfully overwhelm the armies of all your opponents by dominating the war zone and capture entire cities and nation with the help of your huge armies and efficient and human management capabilities.

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