Wednesday, April 10, 2024

4 Games like Scribblenauts

Would you want to play games like Scribblenauts, where you can get to solve complex puzzles? Well, if your answer to our question is yes, then we have created an entire list of identical titles that are same as this one. These titles offer you some interesting puzzlers and brain-teasers that are fun to figure out and solve. You need to have an extra dose of imagination and creativity before even attempting to play these following titles as they will require you to think out of the box and may deny all logic as anything is possible when you are determined to fulfill your objectives.

1. Snapshot:


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Here is a title which will appeal to both platform gamers and photography enthusiasts alike as you will need a combination of both to play this one. The reason this Retro Affect creation has made it on our list of games similar to Scribblenauts is the level at which your able to creatively use your imagination in order to complete a certain level. As the name here suggests, you are equipped with a camera which you can use to take a snapshot of any relevant object of the environment. This picture is then stored on the upper left hand side on your screen. You can then make use of these stored images and paste them wherever required, so that your character can conquer certain kinds of hindrances that might come in the way of completing a level. For example, your character might have come across a long water-filled gap between two sides, so if he wants to cross over, he has to use the snap of a brick wall or blocks and paste it in the gap. Your goal here would be to successfully complete the level while collecting all the stars that you find along the way, with added bonuses if you haven’t used a particular snapshot. This pick can be played either on a Windows Pc or Mac OS.

2. Doki-Doki Universe:

Doki-Doki Universe

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The next option on our list of Scribblenauts alternatives is this comical title called Doki-Doki universe developed by HumanNature Studios for your PlayStation console. Here you will be playing as a robot called QT3, who is sent on a mission to understand the nature of humanity and help them with all their troubles. If he succeeds then he will be saved from being scrapped as an outdated machine. To prove to your alien supervisor that you have good humanitarian skills you will need to solve many problems of humans and other creature that you will meet on any of the various planets in which you are dropped off. In the gameplay you have the ability of collecting objects in your inventory and store them till the time when they can be used in order to carry out the requests of any human and please them. Whenever an object is required to solve a certain problem, you can easily summon the particular object from your summonables list and complete your objective. Here you will have a chance to learn about the complexity of human nature and its different forms. You will also find umpteen numbers of puzzles that will need your personal attention to solve and get a warm feeling of joy and contentment when you are able to successfully solve any particular individual’s problem.

3. Freakyforms: Your Creations Alive

Freakyforms: Your Creations Alive

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This is another great offering which we can add to our list of games similar to Scribblenauts which was made by Asobism for you Nintendo 3DS. The name of this title itself says it all, as here you can literally create your own creatures known as Formees and then use these creatures to take part in certain gaming events. But the main feature out here remains the same, i.e. the ability to make funny looking creatures out of just a few standards shapes like rectangles, circles, semi-circles etc. and combining them to form the body of your character. Once you are satisfied with your creation, you can then bring it life and use it to complete time challenges or to collect certain amount of items placed all over the map. And to further encourage your imagination, the developers have also given you the option of customizing the look of the surrounding environment as well or even expand the existing world using your own ideas. After you have completed a couple of quests you are able to unlock a lot more features and shapes that you can you make use of and create more fascinating creatures that you can bring to life.

4. Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

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For those you who loved our main title in question, this is another spectacular game that closely resembles the 5th Cell creation. In this second edition of the original Drawn to life title, you are basically playing as the hero of the main plot. But in this one, instead of there being a staple in-game hero character, here you will actually have to draw an imaginative version of a hero and give it a name. You even have to draw up the entire weapons, accessories and other items that are to be used by your hero when you go to play the main quests out here. There is a very user-friendly creation system, which allows you to design the arms, head, torso and legs of your hero and you can even zoom in to take care of the finer details. So in short Drawn to Life will not only develop your drawing skills, but will give an opportunity to use your created hero during your gameplay. Here you will get many missions and adventures which you can pursue and a lot more instances where you need to use your imagination and creative abilities to go ahead in the mission.


These are some of the most fantastic games like Scribblenauts which we have had the pleasure of finding out and mentioning them for you out here. The above four titles which certainly liven your brains colorful side and give you a lot of entertainment at the same time.

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