Wednesday, April 3, 2024

6 Games like Limbo

Looking for some interesting puzzle games like Limbo, where you have to use your brains to get through complex situations? Well, then browse through our list below, which will contain some identical kind of titles which is sure to help you out. This particular puzzle-solving genre is popular among those people who enjoy the thrill of cracking riddles and other brain teasers and then move on to the next challenges. So if you are one of those people then this list of ours will be helpful to you.

1. Braid:


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The first one which we can recommend for you on our list of games similar to Limbo is Braid developed by Number None Inc. here you will be playing as Tim who is on a mission to save his beloved princess. Now it is your job to help Tim achieve his objective by traveling through the various rooms of Tim’s house and smartly overcome all the obstacles that stand in his way and solving all riddles and puzzles. The cool features you will notice in this one are the ability for you to actually rewind time in case you end up in sticky situation and undo the instances that put you there in the first place. You can even perform various time warp moves out here to allow you to redo certain actions and help you solve the puzzles correctly.

2. Machinarium:


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The second game on our list is titled Machinarium and was developed by Amanita Design for your Windows PC, PS3 and android or iOS device. In this pick you will be playing in a city that is mostly populated by robots and robotic creatures, hence the creators have cleverly named this one Machinarium. The character itself, which you will be playing as out here, is a small robot by name of Josef. Your quests will take you into the robot filled city and try and uncover the wicked plans of the fiendish Blackcap Brotherhood of robots. One interesting aspect seen here is the lack of any readable dialogue between any two characters; however the developers have kept things interesting by including a cartoon style depiction of speech which appears in bubble above the characters you interact with. There are many problems to solve in the story as you keep coming closer to stopping the villains from carrying out their plans.

3. NightSky HD:

NightSky HD

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NightSky combines both the elements of a physics based game and a puzzle platformer to gives you one exciting offering. Here you will be controlling a black ball kind of object and attempt to traverse through some truly scenic locations. You will encounter a lot of areas along the way where you need to use carefully maneuver your object across some tricky platforms in order to advance to the next level. There are around 11 challenging levels for you to try out in this one. You will really need to be quick thinking and have good timing to execute some risky moves that you will have to face out here. The developers have also provided many vehicular instruments that may assist you in certain levels.

4. The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom:

The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom

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The next option on our list of Limbo alternatives is The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom which was created by The Odd Gentlemen. As you may have guess from the title, over here you will be playing the games main protagonist P.B. Winterbottom. The rating of this pick is apt as you will get to carry out tons of comical mischief in pursuit of your objective of catching an elusive pie. Playing as Mr. Winterbottom, you will learn of this characters unrepentant love for pie and how he’ll do absolutely anything to have it. However, there in one pie in the game which apparently outsmarts the character so you are now obliged to go on a long journey to hunt down the pie. You will also notice that your character has an uncanny ability to replicate himself so that the task of gathering pie becomes easier, but the way in which you solve the puzzles in entirely up to you.

5. Another World:

Another World

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As the name suggests, this pick transports you literally to another world during the gameplay. Here you will be playing as a physics researcher who finds himself in an alien world after a freak accident in his lab occurs due to a flash of lighting. You will soon discover that this place is completely inhospitable from the very beginning as you will encounter a lot some dangerous creatures and eventually get locked up by the inhabitants of this world. Your goal now is to escape this unfriendly world through use of nothing but your wits and a little help from a certain humanoid companion, who assists you in your task. You may take a while to get the hang of things but you will eventually start to figure things out.

6. Trine 2:

Trine 2

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And lastly we give you this second part of Trine as one of the games similar to Limbo for you to play. Get ready to be transport into a world full of magical and mystery, with amazing scenery and visuals, all thanks to the developers of this game titled Trine 2: Complete Story. Here you will be in control of not one but three separate characters with special skills and abilities. The characters we are talking about out here are a magician, a thief and a warrior. Since there are three playable characters out here, you can even invite another two players along with yourself to play in co-operative mode, which is another popular feature of Trine 2. So now, working as a team, you can get through any hairy circumstances that you may come across.


These above six games like Limbo take a certain amount of brain power and smart thinking in order to complete the puzzles. Any new comer to this genre will find it a bit difficult to understand the puzzle elements in the very start but once you learn the ropes, your gameplay gets quite exciting.

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