Wednesday, April 3, 2024

7 Best Two Player Android Games

There are plenty best two player Android games available on the Play store, but we’ve shortlisted our personal favorites for you today. These titles are designed to support multiplayer over a data connection or Bluetooth, owing to which you and a friend can compete against each other in various types of releases or even play together in co-operation. We’ve specifically picked up challenging and competitive games for this roster that you and a friend are going to enjoy playing.

1. 2 Player Reactor:

2 Player Reactor

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One common argument amongst two friends is who the better one is. Well, 2 Player Reactor could just help answer that question. This release consists of reaction games for two people and they can be played on the same device. There are currently 18 mini-games bundled and the developer notes that many more will be added in the future.

From pure reaction to general knowledge to puzzle solving, each title here will put your skills to the test. You and a friend will be presented with challenges where you’ll have to identify certain objects or complete a puzzle and hit the finish button before your opponent. This release is designed to run on almost any Android device, even phones and tablets that are a few years old.

2. Battleship 2:

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Battleship 2

Remember the famous Battleship board game? Well, this puzzle solving title has landed on Android in multiple versions. Battleship 2 from developer Byril is quite unique from the many variants available on the Play store. Instead of high quality graphics, this release features simple hand drawn graphics along with competitive gameplay.

You can either play against the AI or challenge a friend over Bluetooth, online or on the same device. The title offers two modes, classic and advanced, both allowing you to strategically place ships, aircrafts, radars, bombers and other weapons. The goal here is to sink the opposition’s fleet before losing your own.

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3. Worms 2: Armageddon:

Worms 2: Armageddon

If you’ve enjoyed playing Worms against others over LAN, then you can expect the same experience on devices running Google’s mobile OS as well. Worms 2: Armageddon is a turn-based release where your goal is to blast your opponents off the map or until they’re dead. To do so, you get a plethora of wacky weapons which include sentry gun, electromagnet, napalm strike, super sheep, petrol bomb, Armageddon, pneumatic drill, earthquake and poison strike amongst others.

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Additionally, artillery from the classic release is also present here. In single player mode, you’ll be treated to 10 missions across 5 themes, while body count mode offers endless waves of enemies. Then there’s the practice mode where you can explore the weapons before heading into multiplayer action. Worms can be customized with different names, skins, hats, gravestones, victory dance and more. You also get leaderboards and achievements.

4. Pocket Tanks:

Pocket Tanks

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Pocket Tanks is another PC classic that’s one of the most enjoyable and challenging releases of its time. Here, you can either challenge another player or the AI to a duel. The title puts you and your opponents in random terrains filled with mountains and trenches. The goal is to hit your opponent with different types of weapons which amount to 110 in total.

Once all weapons are consumed, the player with the highest score wins. Simple as the gameplay may sound, you get limited movement, and will have to accurately aim as well as set the power of your shot in order to hit the target. The developer has also included support for weapon expansion packs which will be available in free and paid forms.

5. SNES Together:

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SNES Together

If you’ve lived through the 90’s then you might have owned or at least played on an SNES. This Nintendo-made hardware gave rise to some of the most popular franchises and many extremely enjoyable two player games. Well, thanks to the SNES Together emulator fro Android, you can play those classic titles with a friend on Android.

The developer notes that the application is currently in beta, so expect to find a few bugs. But considering that it’s free, it won’t hurt to give it a try. Also, games are not included and you’ll have to acquire them elsewhere.

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6. Tank (Battle City):


The 1985 classic Tank 1990 has been ported over to Android and it’s available for free. Originally developed by Namco, this title offer old school 8-bit graphics and it puts you as well as the second player against an army of tanks in a destructible world.

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The goal is to finish off all opponents and defend your base. There are over 100 levels made available and a construction mode allows you to create custom environments which can be shared with others over Bluetooth. An HD version is also available for tablets.

7. Draw Something:

Draw Something

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To play games with friends normally would mean to devote time and compete against each other. Well, that isn’t the case with Draw Something. Here, both players don’t need to be in the title at the same time to enjoy its offerings. In fact, you can play your turn whenever desired.

Draw Something basically gives one player an object, name or character amongst others which has to be drawn and submitted, after which the second played will attempt to guess the word with help from the doodle and a pre-defined set of letters.


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The aforementioned best two player Android games are certainly going to keep you and your friend occupied for a long time. If you’ve got any multiplayer suggestions that you’d like to share, feel free to shot those Play store links our way.

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