Friday, April 5, 2024

8 Best Multiplayer Minecraft Mods

Here is a list of the best multiplayer Minecraft mods that are must-have for any fans of this sandbox game. If you are tired of playing on the normal single-player mode then go online and meet tons of other fans. And to make your online experience a more enjoyable one, we have listed a few of the best mods that you can use in this mode, that can help enhance your gameplay and show you the limitless amount of things that you can do in this pick.

1. Rei’s Minimap:

At the beginning of our list we have Rei’s Minimap. This one allows you to install a handy minimap which will appear on the top right hand side corner of your screen. There are a lot of benefits of having a minimap installed, for instance you can easily get an overview of the type of terrain that is there on your current map.

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Rei’s Minimap

It helps you navigate more easily as well due to the way-point feature that comes with it. You can setup way-points and name them so that you know that you have been to that location before or you can establish a point near your base so that you can find your way back to it after you finish exploring the map. The other option in Rei’s Minimap includes the ability to change the shape of the map from square to a circle which shows the direction in which you are travelling.

2. FriendColour:

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FriendColour is the second option we can recommend for you to check out. This one allows you to assign a specific color code to your friends who come online. All you have to do is just select them and then assign a color.


Once you have done this the name which have assigned to them will always appear in the color which you have selected. This will help you identify your friends more easily especially if there are a tremendous amount of players playing on the server which you have accessed.

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3. Optifine:

This is another mod that you must have with you. The main thing that this one does is that it is able to somehow improve the quality of graphics of your current game. This pick is especially suitable for those players whose PC’s do not have a high quality graphics card.


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And not only does the graphics get tweaked but the game itself will seem to run smoother than it did before you installed Optifine. You can continue to experiment with the graphics with the help of the configuration setting that are available to you in this one.

4. Damage Indicator:

Damage Indicator is another great option that you must have especially if you are taking part in player versus player battles out here. Simply put, Damage indicator allows you to see a thumbnail of the health bar of any particular living creature once you look at them. This can be helpful for you to check the damage resistance or health of any other player.

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Damage Indicator

So now you can target those players whose health is lower than yours as you can be sure that you will be able to defeat them with ease. You can even adjust the size of the thumbnail to view their status more clearly.

5. Better Sprint:

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Here is another nice one called Better Sprint. This feature allows your character to go into a sprinting mode where you can run really fast to quickly explore a particular map. You can adjust the settings in the Better Sprinting menu where you can assign a specific key that will enable your character to sprint when you press it.

Better Sprint

This gives you a cool new way of travelling on the map instead of the normal mode. It also gives you access to another feature called ‘Run in all directions’ where your character can literally run in any direction even backwards or sideways, which is a lot of fun.

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6. MCCapes:

MCCapes allows your character to add an awesome cape to your attire. You can choose what kind of cape you would want your character to portray and it will be attached at the back, so when you are playing in the third-person perspective you will be able to see it flapping behind you.


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You can select from an entire range of different designs or can even customize your own cape. When you install this one you will even be able to see the capes of other players that are online.

7. X-Ray:

Another amazing Minecraft mod which we can add to our lineup is X-Ray. What this one basically does is that it gives you an X-Ray view of all the minerals that are located below the surface of any map. This is surely helpful if you don’t want to waste time by mining at the wrong place for minerals.

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With this, you can spot the areas which have the most amounts of mineral reserves and start mining. You can even spot more valuable ores like irons or diamonds more easily. There is also a kind of Night Vision mod that you get which can help you see things even at night.

8. Fly:

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Wouldn’t life be a lot easier if you just fly around the place? Well, then the Fly mod enables your character to perform this amazing feat with just the press of a button. Once you install this one your character a flight bonus where you will be able to fly over to any region on the map by just pressing the ‘F’ button.


As you may have guessed this would be the best way in which you can explore the land more freely and it can also help you to fly over obstacles or mountainous terrain on the map.

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These were just some of the best multiplayer Minecraft mods that you can download and install your current game. But there are also tons of other brilliant ones available out there. They give your character the ability to do lots of exciting stuff which will give you a splendid gaming experience.

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