Wednesday, April 3, 2024

PS3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. Wii: Is There Really A Comparison?

PS3, Wii and 360

This is like comparing Counterstrike 1.6, Condition Zero and Source. All are FPS of same type but different in the way they are presented. PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, these consoles are the same, better be said these gaming systems are all the same just the difference is the bling and cling. Can they really be compared? Should they be compared?

Well first lets just separate the odds for it. One side is the high definition (Xbox 360 and PS3) and the other (pretty strong), experimental next generation technology gaming console (Wii). Let’s strip all the three and put down what they got for us.

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First the bling thing, high definition (HD) Consoles. Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360, both fall in this category. Ding! Probably the next question in your mind, “Why are they HD consoles?” High graphics for better graphic output specifically made for high definition televisions and games specially made in HD quality that’s what are HD consoles. Stored in disks specially made to fit the HD content, Blu-Ray for Sony which gives developers the liberty to stuff up 50 gigs of High quality sound and video with loads of game features. And dual-layer DVD or HD-DVD for Xbox 360 does the job.

Talking of what they got inside. Sony has worked hard since Microsoft joined the race of consoles with Xbox and beating all the odds, sooner smashed the market with Xbox 360. Let me try to sum up what Sony got inside their console. One multi-threaded cell processor (3.2 GHz) and seven single threaded processors (3.2GHz), an unimaginable Nvidia ‘RSX’ custom made graphic processor and whole lot of memory to work all of them together.

Done, I tried to make it as simple as it could be. (Took me six hours to get this line). With Wi-Fi access and possibility of 7 Bluetooth controllers working together, there can’t be much fun than this. Well reading this you might think ‘This console is excellent worth my penny’. Well read on I haven’t concluded yet.

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Microsoft launched Xbox 360 a little early. But sure this was a strategic move. Blah blah… well don’t worry I am not going to talk about the marketing crap. What’s inside the box really matters. The box got 3.2 GHz triple-dual-threaded core Xenon processor, ATI ‘Xenos’ GPU and lower price tag than PlayStation 3,making Xbox 360 a really good console. The Xbox Live and loads of internet facilities this console might be the perfect one. Phew!!! Is this the end? Bet no. The third and final console is yet to enter.

Here comes the cling thing. Where to start and where to end? Nintendo’s’ Wii can be called technologically advanced gaming system. Graphically way behind the HD consoles, Nintendo’s Wii has stuffed a simple processor, ATI ‘Hollywood’ GPU and a motion sensitive Wii Remote. What makes it ultra different? The revolutionary Wii Remote is first of its kind in consoles.

The motion-sensitive gameplay options with the controller as simple as a television remote to use, gaming is Wii is real easy. Well selling at almost half the price of HD consoles and Nintendo limiting the resolution because of its low hardware configuration. Nintendo can stand in the market for a while until HD TVs become the mainstream in televisions.

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The console companies aren’t at war, we gamers are at the state of war. Its not a battle for which console is the best, its the battle for which console to go for. Let’s make it pretty simple. Now we know the contenders, so the verdict is almost out. Let’s try juggle up the best one.

If you love graphics more than actual games, PS3 is the best option for you. Best possible HD output (if you own a HD TV), heart thumping sound, and above of all the guarantee by Sony for top quality gaming experience. You would never regret at least for next few years for buying a console like this. But is this the really what fun and enjoyment should cost? Now if you are a son of Ambanis’ or Birlas’ or Tatas’ sure this is what you are born for. No personal grudges with Sony, but this console is real expensive regardless you are a true console gamer it costs a lot.

Don’t worry PS3 is not at all a bad choice if you already own it. But think this way, almost the same graphics and excitement at a cheaper price? Sounds good to me. For the same scale of gaming experience, Xbox 360 is made for. A cheaper option but purely effective one, Xbox 360 can complete your thirst for gaming at a lower cost.

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But if you really understand the traditional and psychological reason behind the term ‘games’ and ‘gaming’ then Nintendo Wii is an excellent choice. For classic games which deeply do the job of games, stress busting, exciting, funny and addictive. The best virtual gaming choice, Nintendo Wii can win anyone’s heart.

Controllers are real important in any gaming consoles. They should be comfortable to use and motion sensing controllers are real easy to play with as such you don’t need brains to learn to play with them. PS3 has motion sensitive controller but Nintendo Wii is the winner here. Xbox 360 doesn’t have motion sensitive controller but the wireless controller they provide is stable and sturdy for the gameplay.

Second important thing is how the gaming experience each of they provide, simply how interesting is the gameplay. Now each console stands out pretty much the same so gameplay concerned, each console has its best as well has its worst. All three of them are the winners here with their hybrid and mind jolting games.

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Okay personal and selfish reasons aside, in this world of high speed internet (India soon catching up), online gaming does matter a lot. Playing with millions of users and sharing your game statistics and competing theirs is as charming as it sounds. With Xbox Live you can play with ten million users and they also provide free games to you making your leisure time more resourceful. Sony does provide online gaming that good and tie-ups with certain companies will make you shell some money to play their games (like MMOs in PC).

Nintendo here lags behind with no online gaming for any game as yet. Just the classics can be downloaded from Nintendo Online. Besides all these, PS3 as well as Xbox 360 can prove to be your media entertainer too, with DVD movies and HD content spreading everywhere these consoles can play movies too. But Blu-Ray winning the disc competition of being standard media , Sony’s PS3 is the winner here.

Now the hardest part, the Final Verdict:

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If you are ready for variety and complete gaming experience then Xbox 360 combined with Nintendo Wii can save your buck as well as give you actually what you need. But if you want to feel the ecstasy of gaming coupled with eye popping HD graphics Sony’s PS3 is the ultimate choice. If you think relatively for a cheaper option, Xbox 360 is a deal to steal. And if you need fun gaming added with cheaper possible price Nintendo Wii is the choice. Till then, Happy Gaming!

– By Vidyesh Modey

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