Thursday, April 4, 2024

Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None to be Released for the Wii by The Adventure Company

The Adventure Company has announced that its popular PC title Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None is under development for the Nintendo Wii. The game is based on the Agatha Christie book, which was originally published in Britain in 1939.

Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None – Wii Version Features:

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    Using the Wii’s original “Wiimote” controller, gameplay in traditional PC adventure games can be taken to a completely new level of interactivity. For instance, gamers will have the freedom to control their character’s actions, such as using a digging motion to unearth clues, or spinning the handle of a safe using the Wiimote; and the introduction of timed puzzles where, for example, gamers must race up a set of stairs from a boat docked below.

Richard Wah Kan, President & CEO, The Adventure Company says, “We are very thrilled to take this new direction with our adventure titles and are certain that our fans will find Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None to be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Wii. Many PC adventure game fans are having a great time with the Wii and we’d like to be the first to deliver them games they love on a console they’ve embraced.”

Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None will release for the Wii in November 2007. I am wondering what the Wii mote will be best used as, to row the boat or to kill another character! However, as a reader, I am pleased that popular books are being made in to game titles for the next-gen consoles.

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