Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Was Assassin’s Creed doomed from the beginning?

Assassin's Creed - Altair

Fans and certain sections of the media are going wild with Assassin’s shortcomings. Some have conveniently bashed the game up on its visual front. But the question I‘d like to address is the fact how everyone overlooked these so called glitches and issues with the game when they played it time and again, not once did I find anywhere that any website/journal had actually written anything such as this, present in the game.

This video is from E3 2007, (check out a HD version, to get a better grasp of the thing):

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.10 sec – In the background there is a clear sign of a pop up of windows on a building on the clear side of Altair.

.26 sec – Check out the little barrel like things on the rooftops, their shadow appears a few seconds later as Altair’s checking out his surrounding below.

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.47 sec – When Altair takes the jump, the crowd streams as he comes closer to the ground and it’s pretty evident and ugly.

1.18 sec – The windows on the walls magically appear as Altair walks through the crowd.

1.45 sec – When he starts to run, the crowd seems to be losing their textures.

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5.19 sec – The windows appear when the camera starts to zoom in.

I’ve made only minor descriptions of the entire thing, check out more videos from X-06 and other showings and you’ll notice these present in every one of them.

The game seemed to be taking a chug whenever there are too many NPC’s on screen (4-5 max), and the engine does not seem to be able to handle outdoor environments. My question is why did no one mention these errors even when the game was not fully finished? The people who had countless number of hands on time with the game could have at least pointed these minor issues out, so that the community would have become aware of such issues.

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I’ll still reserve my final verdict on the game, for I still feel this game does have revolutionary standards to live up to.

Neelesh Mukherjee

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