Sunday, April 7, 2024

Gears Of War 2: Campaign Details

Gears of War 2 is perhaps the biggest titles Microsoft has to offer on its console this season. As COGS all around are busy witnessing the massive scale of the game, we offer not the game plot, but a few details that have been around on the internet about the campaign experience that are bound for this hellish sequel.

Gears Of War 2

Here is a lowdown of the campaign and story progression, and by the looks of it, this game seems to have been infused with a high emotional tinge unlike the previous one which was going awry on adrenaline. These can be best put in Joystiq’s words,

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“COG Tags are now accompanied by journal entries and documents that helped flesh out the mission we were on and the Gears universe as a whole.”

This earliest level that takes place in the hospital gave us a good taste of things to come. The environment accentuates the human feel, the desolated buildings have eerie sightings of a ghost town that was once alive and celebrated the warmth of human emotions. The entire gameplay from the various previews from the net seem to confirm fast paced action sequences that have been incorporated in the sequel seems to surpass any action game that is bound to be released in this year.

The credits hold a special place in the game for more is revealed about the tumultuous tone of its inevitable sequel and will set off a huge spark debate between warring and enthusiastic COGS all across the globe. They also tell a story that subsumes the player in a vortex of emotions, whilst its core remains for hardcore action bred shooters.

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Watch out this space for a review, the game releases on November 7, 2008, so its time to rev those rusty lancers, because the Delta squad is coming home. The game is supposed to 25% longer than the original game, now we shall leave it to all the COG heads to sit down with their algorithms and figure the rest off.

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