Thursday, April 4, 2024

Microsoft Speaks about New Halo Game’s No Show at E3 2008

A few days ago, it had emerged that a new Halo game would be announced at this years E3 expo. Then new information on the game trickled in and apparently the Halo game was a squad based shooter that would be less cartoony than the earlier Halo games. However, Bungie did not showcase the game at E3 2008.

Halo 3

LA Times is reporting that Microsoft has come out and explained the new Halo game’s no show at E3 2008. Don Mattrick is the Senior VP of Xbox games business at Microsoft. He said, “We had an embarrassment of riches. We felt we could do this game more justice with a more dedicated event.”

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Well, there you heard it! Microsoft will be revealing a new Halo game at a dedicated event. When Bungie had decided not to showcase the Halo game at E3, they had said that the publisher of the game had changed the plans. But they had not mentioned who was the publisher of the new game in the Halo series.

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