Sunday, April 7, 2024

Rumor 101: Splinter Cell Conviction (Re)Debuting at GDC 09

Ubisoft’s uber stealth assassin “Sam Fisher” was forced into retirement after a brief showcase of the next game in the franchise almost two years ago, then word got out that the developers had taken Splinter Cell Conviction back to the drawing board after being intimidated by the success of their own intellectual property “Assassin’s Creed”.

Splinter Cell Conviction GDC 09

There have been heavy hints that have been dropped about the possible resurgence of Conviction at this year’s Game Developers Conference. Here are a few dropped balls:

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    Conviction shares its engine with Assassin’s Creed 2.

    The emphasis has shifted on balancing the equation between a sandbox experience and a stealth laden experience from previous iterations.

    The close quarter combat moves are incredibly smooth to pull of and are extremely finesse.

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    Splinter Cell Conviction takes place all across the globe with diverse forms of outdoor locations.

    There might be a brief demo of Splinter Cell Conviction shown behind closed doors.

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