Friday, April 12, 2024

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII for PSP to be Out in June in Europe, says Square Enix

One of the eagerly awaited games for the PlayStation Portable is Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII. Now Konami has sent word that Crisis Core FF VII would be released across Europe and other PAL territories in June 2008. The game features full 16:9 widescreen presentation as well as overwhelming visuals.

Crisis Core FF VII Screenshots

John Yamamoto is the president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. He said, “Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII – is one of the most anticipated Final Fantasy releases of all times. Pushing the boundaries of the PSP hardware, it offers a truly fantastic gameplay experience to not only existing fans, but new ones as well.”

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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII is set seven years earlier than the events of the first Final Fantasy VII. The game sees soldier 2nd class Zack along with Angeal, and the 1st class hero Sephiroth conduct an investigation into the mass desertion. The game additional gameplay challenges and an engaging battle system. Some of it was not even present in the original Japanese edition!

Crisis Core FF VII Screenshots 2

Anyways, here are the features of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII for the PSP:

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Complete the FINAL Fantasy VII experience and reunite with the most recognized RPG characters created by world-renowned character designer Tetsuya Nomura.

Witness stunning graphics and CG cutscenes coupled with top-notch voice acting in a 16:9 widescreen presentation, made possible by the PSP system hardware.

Innovative D.M.W (Digital Mind Wave) system enhances the action-packed real-time battle system, allowing players to unleash special attacks or call upon iconic Final Fantasy summons.

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Take on challenges with the all-new “Hard Mode” which was not in the original Japanese release.

Acquire unique accessories, items and abilities made available through 300 side missions to further enrich the gameplay experience.

Crisis Core FF VII Screenshots 3

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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII for the PSP is expected to be out on June 20, 2008 across all PAL territories. They have also stated that gamers who pre-order a special edition version can expect a hardback artwork book and slipcase, though only with online retailers till stocks last.

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