Tuesday, April 9, 2024

5 Things Grand Theft Auto IV May Have

Grand Theft Auto IV Screenshots

GTA IV is probably going to redefine gaming for the nth time, so here’s a lowdown of the things that might make it to the final version.

5. The two/three-weapon theory: GTA IV is getting incessantly realistic, going around town with a heavy baggage of Shotguns, flamethrowers and RPGs seeming to be like a concept quite out-of-the-box in this ultra realistic world. If the game is set in this modern day universe the chances are that Niko will carry not more than two or three firearms when he is on his assassinating spree. One small firearm like a pistol or an Uzi accompanied with a heavy gun like an assault rife and a close combat weapon like a cleaver/knife for those Manhunt-esque encounters.

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4. Cinematic Replay: Halo 3 brought it to the console world, and it seems from the trickling videos that such a feature might be supported by Grand Theft Auto as well. Most of the action clips show Niko in close quarters in the heat of a battle which might just imply the use of a free moving camera to record the action onscreen. And this feature makes perfect sense for a game which is presumably the ultimate domain for a sandbox experience. Those gangsta memoirs will now be beyond memories and might be for the entire world to see, feel and grasp.

3. A not so steady framerate: This is where most next generation games fumble and GTA also seems to be in line with somewhat a lousy framerate, barring the first trailer all the in game action takes place at 30 fps. And this seems to head for a drop when the action shifts into high gear, which is sighted in the latest trailer. Hope R* North are able to latch onto a consistent framerate and correct those pesky draw distance issues’ prior release.

Grand Theft Auto IV Screenshots 2

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2. An unfinished ending: The ending might not be as clichéd as the previous Grand Theft Auto games or abrupt like Halo 2. It might leave sufficient room for a higher order of things which may already be on R*’s cards, with DLC being only a part of the entire thing. Maybe Vice city and San Andreas might not be as dead as we think and Niko’s exploits might have just begun with Liberty City.

1. A political thriller: This is the longest shot ever, but GTA IV is mirroring the lives of illegal immigrants who are trying to sort their lives out in the land of dreams. Expect a huge pot load of plot twists on the way involving some really high ranking officials who have always been involved in such cases in real life as well and expect the whole thing to take a bunch of potshots at the current Bush administration as well as video gaming favorite real life villain attorney Jack Thompson.

Neelesh Mukherjee

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