Sunday, April 7, 2024

Violent games do not appear to increase aggressive behavior: Study

One more research study on gaming and violence, and this time it favors the video games and not the politically correct idiots. A research study conducted by Texas A&M International University has concluded that there is absolutely NO link between gaming and real-world violence.

No link between violence and video games

Christopher Ferguson, a Ph.D faculty member at Texas A&M International University’s Department of Behavioral, Applied Sciences and Criminal Justice did a study by meta analyzing the cumulative data from 25 different studies. This is what his conclusions were:

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    Overall results of the study found that although violent video games appear to increase people’s aggressive thoughts (which it would not be surprising that people are still thinking about what they were just playing), violent games do not appear to increase aggressive behavior.

    This as true for both correlational and experimental studies. Also, it was found that studies that employed less standardized measures of aggression produced higher effects than better-standardized measures of aggression. In other words, better measures of aggression are associated with lower effects.

    Publication bias appeared to be a significant issue for studies of aggressive behavior. Thus it was concluded that there is little evidence from the current body of literature on violent video games that playing violent video games is either causally or correlationally associated with increases in aggressive behavior.

Looks like, the argument is settled. And, since the study has covered all the other research done on the subject, we can surely say this is a true conclusion.

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